2018 LBJ DC Fellow
Kimberly Schuster received her Master of Global Policy Studies (DC Concentration) at the LBJ School. She graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in political science and international studies from the University of Oregon, where she studied abroad in the Czech Republic and Russia. Kimberly also studied in Russia through the Critical Language Scholarship, an intensive summer Russian language immersion program funded by the U.S. Department of State. As an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, she facilitated the visa process, wrote political briefings, and assisted diplomats with various projects. Kimberly’s Russian-language skills and internship experience at the embassy furthered her interest in Russia-related policy, diplomacy, and international security issues.
2018 Policy Apprenticeship: Center for Strategic and International Studies, Russia and Eurasian Program
Policy Interests: Russian/Eurasian Affairs and International Security