LBJ Washington Center launches a new website

November 15, 2018

The LBJ Washington Center, home of the DC Concentration has launched a new web presence,, to highlight the work of the LBJ School and its presence in the home of the federal government.

The site features an in-depth look at everything the Washington Center has to offer, including the DC Concentration by the numbers, a look at the curriculum, information about the required Policy Apprenticeship, a directory of current students and alumni and the policy practitioners teaching at the school, and a list of DC-based and DC-accessible events that showcases to both students and the policy community the Center’s wealth of resources.

"We're excited to launch our new website with helpful information for prospective and current students, alumni, faculty and members of the DC policy community," said Robin Presta Boone, deputy director of the LBJ Washington Center. "We believe that this new site will serve as a great resource for the LBJ School in the nation's capital."