LBJ Washington Center graduates DC Fellows class of 2020

December 8, 2020

On Dec. 5, the LBJ Washington Center celebrated its fifth class of fall 2020 graduates in hybrid graduation ceremony.

The DC Fellows spent their first year of school in Austin before moving to Washington, DC to finish their studies. In Washington, they participated in federal Policy Apprenticeships by day and took classes in the evening.

LBJ Washington Center Executive Director William Shute welcomed the graduates in person, then introduced Dean Angela Evans, who addressed the group remotely.

MGPS-DC student Sahand Yazdanyar was selected by his peers to be the 2020 class speaker.

2020 DC class speaker Sahand Yazdanyar


Yazdanyar encouraged his peers to remain dedicated to working for the best possible version of the world.

Ellen Satterwhite, a 2009 LBJ School graduate who works in technology policy as vice president at Glen Echo Group, delivered the keynote speech. "I want to remind you why you are where you are and tell you why I think it's going to be OK," she told the cohort. "Because you're helpers. You want to serve. You want to make life more livable for people. You want to do some good. You will end up being our navigators and cheerleaders, analysts and doers, stabilizers and storytellers. And I'll be privileged to call you colleagues."

Ellen Satterwhite (MPAff '09) speaks to the 2020 cohort of DC Fellows on Dec. 5.



Congratulations graduates! We're proud of you and wish you all the best.


2020 LBJ DC Fellows

Tyler Adams

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Winning Strategies Washington

Ryan Anderson

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Aspen Institute, Aspen Digital

Catherine Arjet

Master of Global Policy Studies–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA)

Sisto Campana

Master of Global Policy Studies–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: U.S. Department of Labor

Madison Hamilton

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Office of Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-SC)

Josh Klein

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness (CREC)

Claire Lecornu

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Partnership for Public Service

Sean Mason

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: U.S. House Committee on Administration (Republican staff)

Rahma Sohail

Master of Global Policy Studies–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Bread for the World

Amelia Vorpahl

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Human Rights First

Taryn Woody

Master of Public Affairs–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Professional Services Council

Sahand Yazdanyar

Master of Global Policy Studies–DC

Policy Apprenticeship: Center for the Study of Race and Democracy